
instalcja grzewczo chlodnicza photo

heating and cooling installation

heating and cooling installation ikona zamknięcia

The first heating and cooling installation of the Laboratory was connected in 2010 and has been working for the auditorium in building A4 since then. The old central ventilation system has been replaced by a new one, which allows for the recovery of heat (and cold) energy from the ventilation system. The installation works with a system of borehole heat exchangers of various designs. Heat and cold are collected from the Laboratory of Geoenergetics - from the rock mass through storage tanks acting as energy storages.

mobilny zestaw do TRT photo

mobile TRT equipment

mobile TRT equipment ikona zamknięcia

The equipment for the thermal response test (TRT) of the rock mass consists of flow and temperature sensors, a circulating pump, an electric heater, automation, and a computer with specialized software. This set allows to determine the effective thermal conductivity in the borehole heat exchanger and its thermal resistance. Knowing these parameters, it is possible to design the number and placement of boreholes with heat exchanger pipes for a specific heating power and/or required temperature of the building. Additionally, thanks to TRT, it is possible to forecast further exploitation of heat from the rock mass.

pompy ciepla photo

heat pumps

heat pumps ikona zamknięcia

The measuring station is used to conduct analyses on the use of the rock mass as a source of heat and cold. The condenser and evaporator of the heat pump are connected to a storage tank that connects to the borehole heat exchangers. As a result, heat can be recovered from the rock mass when the exchangers operate in heating mode. The evaporator recovers the heat, which is then used to heat the medium in the tank. The tank is connected to the auditorium ventilation system, which enables space heating. When operating in cooling mode, borehole heat exchangers can interact with a heat accumulator where heat is directed from the heat pump condensers. The regeneration of cooling resources occurs when the air conditioning of the auditorium in building A4 is used.

otworowe wymienniki ciepla photo

borehole heat exchangers

borehole heat exchangers ikona zamknięcia

Borehole heat exchangers of various designs can be used to analyze the heat transfer efficiency and the effect of the type/design of the heat exchangers on the process performance. Moreover, it is possible to analyze the influence of operating parameters (heat carrier flux density, temperature, type of heat carrier) on the heat exchange process. The coaxial heat exchanger can operate in two opposite flow directions of the heat carrier. The inner column is removable. In order to analyze these types of exchangers, a laboratory model was also constructed.

stanowisko pomiarowe mocy grzewczej photo

heating power measuring station

heating power measuring station ikona zamknięcia

The heating power measuring apparatus is used to determine how the flow of heat carrier and the type of medium affect the heat flow parameters. The equipment is based on a set of electric heaters used in the prototype of the TRT installation and a volumetric flow meter.

loger photo

NIMO-T logger for detailed temperature profiling in boreholes

NIMO-T logger for detailed temperature profiling in boreholes ikona zamknięcia

NIMO-T logger for detailed temperature profiling in boreholes

mini stacja meteo photo

mini weather station

mini weather station ikona zamknięcia

The field meteorological station includes devices for measuring wind speed and direction, as well as the intensity of solar radiation. These measurements are used to analyze the energy efficiency of solar collectors of various designs located in the field part of the Laboratory. Wind measurements are used to determine the boundary conditions and calibrate the BoHEx numerical simulator, which allows modeling the operation of various types of borehole heat exchangers.

system regenracji zasobow ceipla w gorotowrze photo

system of heat resources regeneration in the rock mass using solar energy

system of heat resources regeneration in the rock mass using solar energy ikona zamknięcia

The Laboratory of Geoenergetics has five solar collectors that are used to regenerate heat resources in the rock mass. Each collector has a different design and is mounted in a different mode (stationary and mobile - solar track). Each collector is equipped with an individual circulating pump with a smooth regulation of the heat carrier flow.

system odsniezania za pomoca ciepla geotermalnego

snow removal system using geothermal heat

snow removal system using geothermal heat ikona zamknięcia

Which has also the mode of obtaining heat to regenerate its resources in the rock mass The parking lot and yard belonging to the Laboratory are located at the front of the building. Under the surface of the paving stone, there is a system of pipes used to heat the surface. They can be supplied indirectly by heat pumps or directly from borehole heat exchangers. The system proved to be efficient for melting snow using the heat of the rock mass, which was confirmed in practice and through observations carried out with the use of thermal imaging cameras.

zestaw do monitorowania poziomu wody photo

equipment for water level monitoring in the wells

equipment for water level monitoring in the wells ikona zamknięcia

A pressure gauge mounted on a relay line which allows the device to be lowered into the well. The line is equipped with capillaries that transmit the atmospheric pressure values to the submerged pressure sensor. The main task of this device is to locate the water level in the well during the pumping test.

miernik wilgotnosci cial stalych photo

solids moisture meter

solids moisture meter ikona zamknięcia

in progress

kamera termowizyjna photo

high-end thermal imaging camera

high-end thermal imaging camera ikona zamknięcia

in progress

bezstykowy termometr photo

contactless thermometer

contactless thermometer ikona zamknięcia

in progress

nagrzewnica powietrza photo

air/glycol heater for the regeneration of heat resources in the rock mass from the atmospheric air

air/glycol heater for the regeneration of heat resources in the rock mass from the atmospheric air ikona zamknięcia

in progress

przyrzad TT TCP photo

TT-TCP device for measuring thermal conductivity

TT-TCP device for measuring thermal conductivity ikona zamknięcia

The lambdameter is mainly used for analyzing sealing slurries used in borehole heat exchangers. Researched parameters include: the influence of additives, setting time and humidity on the thermal conductivity of the filling/sealing of the borehole.

ultradzwiekowy przeplywomierz photo

non invasive ultrasonic flow meter

non invasive ultrasonic flow meter ikona zamknięcia

in progress

zbiornik z parafina photo

FOX50 instrument for measuring thermal conductivity

FOX50 instrument for measuring thermal conductivity ikona zamknięcia

Lambdameter is used to analyze sealing slurries used in borehole heat exchangers (highest possible thermal conductivity) and in geothermal boreholes (lowest possible thermal conductivity). Enables testing at varying temperatures of the sample.

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FOX50 instrument for measuring thermal conductivity

FOX50 instrument for measuring thermal conductivity ikona zamknięcia

Lambdameter is used to analyze sealing slurries used in borehole heat exchangers (highest possible thermal conductivity) and in geothermal boreholes (lowest possible thermal conductivity). Enables testing at varying temperatures of the sample.

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A laboratory model of a heat exchanger

A laboratory model of a heat exchanger ikona zamknięcia

The Laboratory is equipped with a model for analyzing the energy efficiency of coaxial heat exchangers. This model allows for conducting tests related to the heat recovery from the rock mass, the process is simulated with the use of electric heaters. Tested parameters are the amount of energy returned depending on the variable insulation parameters of the internal exchanger column. Tests are carried out for various volumes of the heat carrier with the use of temperature and flow sensors.


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BoHEx 1.0

BoHEx 1.0 ikona zamknięcia

The BoHEx numerical simulator is used to predict the exploitation of borehole heat exchangers operating in both heating and cooling modes.

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TOUGH 3.0 ikona zamknięcia

TOUGH (Transport Of Unsaturated Groundwater and Heat) numerical simulator is used to model the exploitation of geothermal water deposits. Based on a geological survey, a mathematical model of the geothermal water deposit is created. The simulator enables forecasting the operation of single- or multi-borehole systems (doublets, triplets, etc.) of geothermal water exploitation.

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TOUGHREACT 4.0 ikona zamknięcia

TOUGHREACT4.0 = TOUGHREACT to symulator 3D dla wielofazowego transportu reaktywnego, oparty na TOUGH. Jest wykorzystywany do symulacji szerokiej gamy problemów w ośrodkach porowatych i/lub szczelinowych, w tym (a) transportu zanieczyszczeń z liniową adsorpcją i rozpadem promieniotwórczym, (b) ewolucja naturalnego składu chemicznego wód podziemnych w naturalnych warunków rezerwuaru, (c) ocenay składowisk odpadów radioaktywnych, (d) geologicznego składowanie CO2 w głębokich formacjach, (e) osadzania się minerałów, (f) przemian minerałów i osadzania się krzemionki w systemach hydrotermalnych w warunkach naturalnych i eksploatacyjnych, oraz (g) transportu biogeochemicznego i rekultywacji środowiska. Można symulować dodatkowe problemy związane z solankami o wysokiej sile jonowej, takie jak iniekcje (chłonność) solanki oraz odwrócona osmoza.

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PetraSim ikona zamknięcia

Pre- and post-processor for TOUGH3.0 and TOUGHREACT4.0

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AUDYTOR OZC ikona zamknięcia

The Audytor OZC software is a work tool for engineers, energy auditors, and all specialists dealing with the design of heating installations, as well as the problems of rational energy management. It is designed to support the calculations of the thermal power demand of rooms in buildings and to determine the seasonal heat demand for heating residential buildings.

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Earth Energy Designer EED 4

Earth Energy Designer EED 4 ikona zamknięcia

EED is a computer software for designing vertical borehole heat exchangers. Ease of use, short learning curve, short calculation times and inherent databases (rock properties, pipe properties, drill diameters, etc.) make EED a useful tool in everyday engineering work for designing geothermal heat pump systems and heat storages in the rock mass. In very large and complex tasks, EED allows obtaining an approximate size and layout of boreholes required before starting more detailed analyzes. Even for small fields with borehole heat exchangers, it is worth using EED instead of designing without support. EED supports configurations from single-borehole to large systems with up to 1200 boreholes. Annual base loads may vary from a few MWh to a few TWh.

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inne ikona zamknięcia

in progress